There were some participants that needed to upgrade and strengthen a few things before hitting the trails. Here you can see some new spring perches being installed.
When one sees signs like this one at the entrance of the Purgatory trail, it would lead one to believe that the stronger the components the better. During the Rock Rage competition there were many extreme suspensions represented.
Here you can see Tim Porter of Hardcore 4X4 stretch it out and then eventually put his XS Parts rig on its side. Remember… roll cages are not just for looks! After this roll, he still won in his vehicle class.
Although the Pink trail was a major challenge, the other trails spanned the capabilities of the participants. Everything from simple hills and paths to muddy ruts to deep water crossings.
Even the simpler wedges aren’t so simple… Here is where the use of a spotter makes a difference. Many of the seemingly simple obstacles can get the best of you if you don’t play close attention.
08/11/10 15:33:57