The Green Trail at the Y2K ZookiMelt!
With Bill Johnston
The trail levels were distinguished by three different colors. Green was meant to be the easiest, so the stockers would have some fun but nothing above their capabilities. The Pink (yes, pink) trail was the hardcore tough route. And the Orange was right in the middle... challenging, yet no winch or snorkel required. The Green shouldn't need a
snorkel either, but...
On Friday I opted to take the easy road and tag along on the Green trail. I figured it would be an interesting trip with the likes of Tim Porter, Jeff Pollock and Jessika James in the group. The rigs ranged from very mild stockers to Bogger monsters. The trail started with some challenging 30-40 foot hills that were nearly vertical going up and
dropped quickly enough to challenge even some of the braver drivers. This was an excellent time to learn how to listen to the spotters. Those that did were very appreciative when they saw the drop on the other side.