
with Bill JohnstonTabasco
Tabasco Twister is one of the hardest of the extreme trails north of Las
Cruces, New Mexico. It changes with every hard rain and it doesn't usually
get any easier. Back in November I got email from a few out of state friends
that wanted to check out the local trails. Naturally, I jumped at the
opportunity to meet and wheel with these folks that I only knew from the
'net'. It was a time well spent. |
I am (on the left) on the 'filter rocks'. Basically, if you can't make it up and over
(around and through) this section of 5-6 boulders, you should park it and
Tim Justice brought over his flatbed Zook from Tennessee. Check out his
rig in more detail in the features section for March 02.
 Sam Montanez
came down from Pheonix, Arizona with his '93 Toyota 4Runner, it has had a
straight axle done in front to get rid of the IFS. He is running 5.29's in
the locked front and rear differentials, with 8" of overall lift. |
year, the hard line was to the far right of the picture on the left.
Mother nature played with a few rainstorms and washed out a nasty crevasse
to play in. As you can see in the following pictures, this became one of
the hardest (most technical) obstacles on the trail. A drivers first
response to this waterfall is to take it straight on and then turn to the
right as you get into it (insert the sound of ripping sheet metal). |
you see our trail leader, take his CJ-7 up the waterfall. Although he has
the right line, you can see where his left rear corner is about to lose in
a battle with the rock wall. The only way we found to get through
this with as little carnage as possible was to approach it from the left
and hope that there was enough articulation in the rig to keep you from
rolling out before your right front tire found the ledge. |
you had to hook up with as much traction as the rocks would allow while
you climbed out of the 'V' notch at the top. This is one that no one
'walked up' that day. |
