with Larry Harris, Jody Ellsworth & Jeff Pollock
Photos by Tim Porter, Terrina Harris and Lisa WixsonSunday at the Badlands in
Attica, Indiana has brought a hard frost. All through the camp
ground could be heard, "Damn it's cold". Tim Porter
is the first up and out. I whisper to my wife, "Give him a minute he will build the
fire." Next thing I know her head is back under the sleeping bag. "Boy you
owe me".
It has been one heck of a weekend. Lets pack and go home after the raffle... Not, Tim
and Jeff are going to show us mud runners the finer points of the ROCK! We found a level 4
/ 5 trail very close to the camping area. Just off the road there is a left turn into the
woods, it is a short run to the first obstacle. We are getting over this? Jeff is first,
then Micah both make it over and make it look easy.

Next up is Jody. His Samurai is equipped with a 5 inch Calmini Shackle Reversal lift with
29's. Jody is up and over. Over the cheers can be heard, " I want bigger
tires". Only one new dent in the fresh paint. His smile is from ear to ear as he
yells to us, " Lets do another one" Sorry Jody it is time to pack up for the six
hour trip home.
You can bet we will be back to spend more time in this awesome park! Look for
information to be posted soon about an iZook run to the Badlands.
The hard luck award has to go to Micah Wills. He installed his
new Crawler Transfercase gear set before coming to this event. First the mount breaks, he
has it fixed and he gets to wheel. It is the last hour of the last day and he blows a
front driveshaft taking out the front of the case. Luckily he found spares in the park
from the owners.