with Laura WhiteUpcoming Zook Run At BMRA
It started as a few Suzuki owners wanting to go to Barnwell Mountain Recreational Area. They posted their desire to get as many Zooks out there as we could. So I figured, what better way to get the word out than thru Bill Johnston at iZook....after all he has proven to be very helpful in the past. And sure enough, he promptly replied with an offer of help.
First I have to do my blatant publicity for Texas Motorized Trails Coalition, as I am in the Public Relations Dept. as Outreach Director. So here it is.....TMTC www.texasmotorizedtrails.com is a nonprofit organization formed in 1999. We are a
group of over 1200 members made up of 4Wheel Drive, ATVs, & Dirt bikes from throughout the State of Texas. Our goal is not only to open up property throughout the State within a few hours drive of everyone, but also to bring offroading safety and responsibility classes to the schools across the State. TMTC is dedicated to making offroad recreation areas and activities more available and affordable for family use. Membership is $35 a year. |
And for Barnwell Mountain Recreational Area, BMRA is TMTC's first property. 1850 acres 5 miles North of Gilmer, TX on Hwy 155. The property is an iron ore mountain with a 300 to 400 ft elevation change. The terrain is loose, large rocks that tend to move with you. And of course the weather and usage continually change the trails
which are rated from 1 diamond to 4 diamonds (1 being easy - 4 extreme). It's definitely worth the trip to NE Texas. Gate fees are $15 per weekend for TMTC members or $15 per day per vehicle for nonmembers. Camping is $7.50 per night for primitive and $12.50 for electric (sorry no water, yet....but we do have showers now). And the best BBQ.....You have to try Dave's BBQ....it might be worth the trip to NE Texas. |
So with all that out of the way...I'd like to invite one and all to BMRA on the weekend of August 11, 2001 for our first Zook Run. It's gonna be informal, unofficial, and no frills......just fun. |
Contact Information: Laura White, TMTC Outreach Director - 817-444-4885 fats9@flash.net , www.texasoffroad.net
Clyde Stanford, Property Manager - 903-738-0002 cscj5@flash.net.
James McAda - 361-777-3262 zookin@worldnet.att.net