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Click through for a closer look...Click through for a closer look...Steam Corner Campground offered a breakfast on Saturday morning. This year it was without the early morning loudspeaker invitation, so folks were in a much better mood.  
Click through for a closer look...Click through for a closer look...Click through for a closer look...
Click through for a closer look...Click through for a closer look...Click through for a closer look...
Click through for a closer look...Click through for a closer look...The Campground was a busy place for food, fun and socializing. Billy-Bob renewed his reputation as iZooks Master Chef, complete with a new gold tooth. And Mini-Bob (Billy-Bobs nephew) showed exactly how many of us felt after all the excitement of the ZookiMelt weekend. 
Click through for a closer look...The people that participated again this year ranged from the new Zook owners that were just getting into the sport/hobby - to the more hardcore enthusiasts that have been around awhile and show their dedication in a more permanent way. Check out the tattoo on the right by clicking through the picture. Cool.

For all of you that made it to the ZookiMelt this year - Thank You for making it a huge success. Without you, the weekend would have been very boring...

Check out the ZookiMelt articles over the next two issues to get a more in-depth look into the trails, trials and tribulations of the event.

08/11/10 15:33:50
