with Bill Johnston
Petroworks CV Carb Kit
How many Samurai owners have tried to fix the worn out (sometimes falling off) vacuum lines on their failing Hitachi carb? Did you get them back in the right places? I have the diagrams on the wall of my garage and I still miss stuff! This new kit from Petroworks does away with all that and packs a punch in the process.
Petroworks starts with a stock intake manifold and goes to town on it with the machine work. Then they take a Harley Davidson 40mm or 44mm CV carb and modify it to fit the Samurai controls. This particular kit uses the 44mm Screamin Eagle carb. The new sidedraft carb no longer mounts from the top like a stock Hitachi, but mounts from the side with a straight shot through the intake to the head. The kit also comes with an intake gasket and a manual choke cable that is already set up to work with the HD carb. A new thermostat (with gasket) and a new PVC valve are options that are suggested if you are still running the original equipment.
We have all seen the engine compartment of the Samurai and know how jumbled it can get. Here is where we get rid of some of the clutter. We disconnect the crankcase hose, air cleaner housing and intake tunnel and set it all aside.
Disconnect any electronics that attach to components on or attached to the intake manifold. Those that don’t plan to ever use the original equipment again can weed out those connectors and remove them from the harness, but if you are like me and want to have the option, then leave them be until a little later.
The stock throttle cable will hook up to the new carb, so just set it aside. The radiator has to be drained and the thermostat housing needs to be retained for use on the upgraded intake manifold.
The intake is removed, disconnecting the water lines, vacuum lines and electrical.
Here we can see a major difference in the size and complexity. Click on the pictures to get a better look at what is and isn’t there. Realize that the new system on the left is complete with air cleaner – and the stock system on the right is not. The stock air box is again as large as the bundle you see here.
As you can see, the new unit takes up far less room and has only a few hoses(crankcase vent, water lines, brake booster line and fuel line). Also notice the fuel regulator that is already installed and set up at Petroworks. It is set to only 1.5 which is perfect for these carbs.
We fill the fluids back up and seal the thermostat, connecting the radiator hose again. Don’t forget to connect the small hose under the manifold and the water lines in back. Following the list in the instruction packet makes it easy to catch everything the first time.
The stock choke is a water choke. This kit uses a manual choke that will have to be installed in the dash. Click the pic on the left and you can see it where the dash light dimmer control once was. The dimmer control can be relocated to any of the switch pods in the dash. The choke is fairly simple to attach at the carb, just follow the instructions that come with the kit and you can’t go wrong.
The throttle cable can drop right into place and easily be seen from the front of the vehicle. This makes it easy to install without breaking you neck like the Hitachi did.
The electrical connections can be wrapped and slid out of the way. Black electrical tape works well and can hide the bundle easily.
First impressions:
I found that it had a very strong low to mid range. Top end did not show anything faster than stock, but getting there was pure enjoyment! The throttle response is something that you have to get used to. It is veeery responsive! Don’t stomp the pedal unless you are already ready to shift. This kit will teach you how to drive again. {grin}
Come see it at the Zookimelt and see what I mean.
Petroworks Offroad Products1-800-952-8915 Order Line 1-760-731-9434 Tech Line 111 W. Aviation Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028
08/11/10 15:20:10